Three questions to ask yourself before participating in a cultural activity abroad

Three questions to ask yourself before participating in a cultural activity abroad.

  • Is there a local representative from the community present as the authority giving me permission to participate?

  • Did my money go to a local guide and actually reach the community?

  • Was I able to understand the experience in my own language in order to actually listen and appreciate?

Cultural appropriation while traveling is a real topic we need to discuss. while there are many nuances, the most important reminder is that you consciously recognize your privilege and do you part to ask the right questions.

To anyone who might be saying, just leave other cultures alone and don't step into that world. my opinion is such...

If we don't experience it, how will we appreciate it. and if we don't appreciate it, why would we want to help preserve it. there are cultures, languages, and knowledge that are being lost. and local members of the community that want to share their story with others.

As travelers we need to recognize our passport privilege and consciously decide to be a portal for responsible storytelling.

Tres preguntas que debes hacerte antes de participar en una actividad cultural diferente a la tuya. 

  • Existe una representante local de la comunidad que se presente con la autoridad de darte permiso para participar? 

  • El dinero gastado irá a un guía local y ayudará a la comunidad? 

  • Podré entender desde mi propia experiencia y en mi idioma para escuchar al guía y apreciar la actividad? 

La apropiación cultural mientras viajamos es un tema importante que debemos discutir. existen tantas raíces, que es importante recordar que debes conscientemente reconocer tus privilegios, así que enfócate en hacer las preguntas correctas. 

Para los que dicen que dejemos las culturas ajenas solas y no meterse con ese mundo, mi opinión es... 

Si no lo vivimos, cómo podremos apreciarlo. si no lo apreciamos, por qué querríamos ayudar a preservarla. el mundo está lleno de culturas, idiomas y conocimiento que día a día perdemos. los miembros locales de las comunidades quieren compartir sus experiencias con el resto del mundo. 

Como viajeros debemos reconocer el privilegio de tener un pasaporte y conscientemente decidir ser un portal para responsablemente relatar las historias de los otros.

If you are clear with your intention and want to work with a Maya shaman in Guatemala, Thomas and his family have been local spiritual guides for generations. His contact information is: +502 5550-9260 Spanish only.

Sígueme en Instagram (@alyssaya) (ayacreativa) para obtener más información sobre Guatemala, la moda ética, y viajes responsables.

GuatemalaAlyssa Cate